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Sunday, May 15, 2022

Shih-Fang Wang

Photo by Aihua Gao

My Pleas

More April showers please, rain clouds

The land is cracking from drought

Only you can revive the dying trees 

Lend me your petals, May flowers

I want to adorn my poems with your colors

To purge the gray from my melancholy 

Shine your torches on my path, fireflies

The sky is darkened by gun smoke 

Help me to find my homeward way

Sing me jovial songs, robins

Too much cacophony and clamor

From this troubled world

Stay longer if you may, spring

To delay dreadful summer fires and

Horrendous storms owing to men’s greed

Don’t leave me, my plea to you, peace

I need to sail through a world 

Full of turmoil and chaos

from the Kingfisher archive

Black Soil

This spring don’t expect 

Flowers will bloom in May

On this war-torn black soil

Even weeds won’t survive

Since April showers were replaced

By rains of bombs and bullets

The land is charred 

Fields are pitted by blasts

Covered with rubble

A scene bleaker than winter’s

This land used to grow lush plants

Now occupied by many new graves

Buried war victims who nurtured 

And enjoyed their blossoms before

Black soil is more precious than gold

Crops and flowers flourish the best

Yet it elicited the hatred of invaders 

Resulted in this devastating war 


Photo by Aihua Gao

May Flowers 

Quietly buds pop out under spring’s wings

Then suddenly flowers burst 

Everywhere in the wild fields

When weather is warming up

Fully bloomed like billowing skirts 

Blossoms rival to show their passion

Seductively they dance with breeze 

Before vernal season is over

Returned birds sing gaily

In celebration of spring

Bees and butterflies

Lured by colorful sights 

Forage in blossoms collecting nectar

Nature however is indifferent

Beauty of May flowers is ephemeral 

Just like our vibrant youth 

Vanished before we would let go

When summer sun scorches

Harsh wind blows

Petals are ripped away 

Then settle to earth

Leave their legacy for new lives

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