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Sunday, May 15, 2022

Carl Stilwell AKA CaLokie

from the Kingfisher archive

Pascal and Bukowski Sneak into Santa Anita from Snotty Sestina

All around our tiny planet in a tiny galaxy is empty space.

I have to take a crap after making bet for first race.

In relation to the infinite I am nothing.

In relation to the nothing, I am everything.

As if the very searchlight of God was focused on me,

I picked up my racing form and began reading it.

By reason I seek to comprehend the infinity of things beyond it.

I've found this place...you should see the air, light and space.

The endless enormity of an impersonal universe engulfs me.

Rush to bar for shot of scotch after second race.

Miss the love shadows-- When she left, she took almost everything.

What was before and will be after, I know nothing.

How can all there is come from nothing?

Unless it bursts from your soul like a rocket, don't do it.

Like Einstein or Hawking I want an explanation for everything.

With heart not reason, I'll soar throughout space.

I pass gold poppies by Seabiscuit's statue during third race.

It's so sad: the flowers are still trying to please me.


If I wager on God's existence what will happen to me?

If God is, I win all. If he isn!t, I lose nothing.

I haven!t won shit as we come to the fourth race.

As stars move through space they dent or warp it.

They say deep in earth live Creatures from Outer Space.

At a black hole entrance, I come to the end of everything

but through its exit, I may come to the beginning of everything.

A crazy alcoholic woman once threw Pound's Cantos at me.

What we think is gravity is the strong curvature of space.

Wild: my body being there and filled with nothing.

It's still miraculous whether the beginning is from a thou or it.

Can't get my ass off barstool and miss fifth race.

I break my losing streak in the sixth race.

From the precipice I leap into the void or everything.

I told that tough motherfucker, "You can make it!”

The eternal silence of these infinite spaces alarms me.

Yet like the universe I have come into being out of nothing.

Nothing but space between us... care to close that space?

After the seventh race, Blaise says to me,

"Chinaski, you have everything to gain but will lose nothing.”

"I wish it were that simple,” I tell this fucking space ball.

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