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Sunday, May 15, 2022

Robert Fleming

Canada Souvient

le drapeau est rouge comme la santé des premier 1608 colons d’Acadia

& blanche comme le premier floraison fleur-de-lis

dans automne les arbre érable tombre orange & élan bois rut

dans hiver la neige couvre le prairie rose

dans printemps l’arbre érable sève & les castors laisser leurs loges

dans été July 1, 1867 Canada est devenu un nation

Canada Remembers

the Canadian flag is as red as the blood of the 1st 1608 Arcadia settlers

& white as the 1st bloomed fleur-de-lis flower

in fall maple tree leaves fall orange & moose rut

in winter snow covers the prairie rose

in spring maple tree saps & beavers leave their lodges

in summer July 1, 1867, Canada became a nation

witch zuppai

pastrami on rye 

Salem delicatessen

ergot poisoning

low vitamin A

pinprick hallucinations

witch discovery

step up to podium

Salem town crier cries cries

three witches burned

wench stays wench not witch

swallow pill under full moon

1661 witch control pill

flower petal yeast

final bread slice digested

white snakeroot flower

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Mary Mayer Shapiro

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