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Sunday, May 15, 2022

Don Kingfisher Campbell

A Driveway

Along the setback

a burgundy-tipped


succulent reaches

up with many

branches in a

dusty black 

plastic pot with

drainage holes

at the bottom

A little spiky

palm tree is

rooted near

the further edge, 

anchored by

a brick sized

asphalt chunk

Across from them

white calla lilies

gracefully spiral out

of tall stems taking

in the sun and small

predatory beetles

A large flowering

bush has started

to grow above

the lip of the long

concrete path

(a side-view

mirror hazard)

Just last month

my new wife

personally planted

two two-week-old

(gifted by me)

Home Depot tiny

drooping brown

flower bunches

hoping they will

eventually recover

Unfortunately, there

are also still a few

marks as you travel

down the entranceway

A black spray-painted

BMW grille shadow

from when my daughter

and her husband

stayed here for six

pandemic months

And a trail of white

paint tire tracks

left over from

my ex-girlfriend's 

poured jealousy

one morning in

early 2018 after

I had married

someone else

Who turned out

to want nothing

more than a green

card marriage

(thank god she's

behind me)

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